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activewear, athletic wear, climbing clothes, running clothes, Stonewear Designs, Uncategorized, women's clothes, Yoga -

The Shout Department features any and all events the Stonewear Community is involved in, whether the four HERA Climb4Life events that we sponsor, any number of climbing events that we co-sponsor with our brother company, the rock-climbing focused Trango, or events that our employees or Grassroots Team is involve in.

The post Shout: Find out what's happening in the community appeared first on Live Stonewear.

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Ask us any question about fabric, our clothes, or whatever is on your mind. We’ll try to answer it on our blog and feature it in our enewsletter and on social media. If you have a question, please send it to editor@StonewearDesigns.com.  

The post Ask: Ask us any technical questions you might have appeared first on Live Stonewear.

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activewear, athletic wear, climbing clothes, inspire, running clothes, Stonewear Designs, Uncategorized, women, women's clothes, Yoga -

Stonewear’s “Shine” Profiles feature inspiring and athletic women in the Stonewear Community, whether a Grassroots Ambassador, a motivated employee of the company, or any other neat woman we meet. Please email editor@StonewearDesigns.com if you know of someone who we must absolutely feature!

The post Shine: Our Shine Profiles feature inspiring women in the Stonewear Community appeared first on Live Stonewear.

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activewear, athletic wear, climbing clothes, editorial, from the editor, letter from the editor, running clothes, Stonewear Designs, Uncategorized, women's clothes, Yoga -

“Voice” is your Letter From the Editor Department, written by Lizzy Scully, the current social media manager for Stonewear Designs. Please send us your thoughts, suggestions, questions, or comments. We welcome input from the Stonewear Community! Please write to editor@StonewearDesigns.com.

The post Voice: This Department features the "Voice" of the Stonewear Community–Welcome! appeared first on Live Stonewear.

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