Melissa Love's Resolution: Finish Un-Sent Climbing Routes
December is quickly coming to a close, so as we say goodbye to 2012 , we here at Stonewear are thinking about how to make 2013 an even better year. We consulted our Ambassadors and Grassroots Team Members to get their opinions on New Year’s resolutions and to ask them what kinds of goals or projects they have planned for the new year. Have questions or comments for our ambassadors? Connect on Facebook.

Stonewear Designs Grassroots Team Member Melissa Myers Love writes:
I have two New Year’s Resolutions.
1) Finish any un-sent climbing routes that I have worked on. Specifically a 13.b I worked on in September shortly after having a baby. Although I was frustratingly close to sending, it was a great challenge, and I’m happy that it got me back into shape. The things I will do to accomplish this resolution are: a) bouldering power in the gym, and b) continuing to train power endurance throughout the winter.
2) My second New Year’s Resolution is to volunteer with the Special Olympics again. I enjoyed volunteering with the Special Olympics in high school and look forward to becoming involved with the organization again.
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