5 Easy Ways to Stay Healthy in 2013!
Make 2013 your healthiest year yet! Our ambassador team–some of the best climbers, adventure moms, personal trainers, and all around athletes we know–have some great (and easy!) tips for you to incorporate into your daily life. Have a question for one of our ambassadors? Send us a message on Facebook!
1. Eat breakfast. Your body will need to stay fueled throughout your active days. If you don’t like eating big breakfasts in the morning, make a smoothie (see tip #2) or pair some nut butter with a banana. -Brandi Bolli Humphrey, Stonewear Grassroots Team Member
2. Drink a green smoothie every day. My husband (yes, he’s the cook in the family) blends a head of kale (microwaved for four minutes to soften) with tofu, ice, spinach juice, and fruit. We each drink a big glass every morning, and so far none of us have gotten sick (not even our kindergartener!). -Aimee Roseborrough, Stonewear Ambassador and blogger at Mama Climbs
3. Pick up the pace. Any kind of running, even a light jog, helps jumpstart metabolism, but more importantly, it helps us eat less. In a recent study, women who ran consumed fewer calories than they burned. Their restraint was due to an increase in hormones that initiate satiety, which come from running. What’s the caveat? You have to keep it up for three months. -Deanna Lynn Wulff, Stonewear Grassroots Team Member, author of The Girl’s Guide to Getting Lost: Hard Hikes for Wild Women, and blogger at Minerva’s Moxie
4. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate! This is truly one of the easiest, most beneficial things you can do for your body. Drinking plenty of water keeps your skin supple, cleanses toxins from your body, helps your muscles and joints work better, helps regulate your body temperature, and even promotes cardiovascular health by increasing your blood volume (so your heart doesn’t have to work so hard). Staying hydrated also gives you higher energy levels, improves weight maintenance, and helps you experience better overall health–eliminating feelings of malaise which can result from dehydration. There’s no easier way to strengthen your immune system! –Tami Mittan, Stonewear Ambassador, blogger at Colorado Mountain Mom
5. Catch those Zzz’s. It seems easy enough: Get enough sleep. Our lives are so hectic, and many of us cheat ourselves with later than healthy bedtimes and tense workdays. This sneaks up on us. Is your bedroom dark enough? Two years ago, I moved to a rental casita that I loved for its clerestory windows–for I could simultaneously watch the sunrise in the east, and Orion setting in the west. Months later, it dawned on me that the extra light was interfering with a full night’s rest. Once I started wearing a sleep mask to bed, the quality of my sleep was much improved. –Beth Nobles, Stonewear Ambassador, blogger at One Foot In Front of the Other
Tell us, what do you do to stay healthy?
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