10 Romantic Valentine’s Day Adventure Dates
It’s almost Valentine’s Day.
Forget to plan ahead this year? Never fear, our ambassadors are here…with great adventure date ideas! Whether you’ve got plans with your long-term sweetie or it’s your first date night, you can save money and avoid crowds by planning one of these exciting, down-to-earth dates.
- Spread the topo maps out on the floor, open up a bottle of wine and plan your next adventure together. We like to visualize each hiking trail from the map first, then hop on Google Earth and see the satellite view of the area. This is what we did on our most recent adventure to Big Bend Ranch State Park near the Rio Grande. –Beth Nobles, Stonewear Designs Ambassador and blogger at One Foot In Front of the Other
Ambassador Beth Nobles exploring Big Bend Ranch State Park - Go on a moonlight ski together (pack headlamps, of course). –Amelia Mayer, Stonewear Designs Ambassador and blogger at Tales of a Mountain Mama
- Valentine’s Day marks the end of the winter holiday season and serves as a reminder that spring and summer are not far away, which are the seasons of love for outdoor enthusiasts. I’m lucky, I have a boyfriend, and he’s a great guy, so I’m thinking of hiding treats and silly surprises on the run we take together. -Deanna Lynn Wulff, Stonewear Grassroots Team Member, author of The Girl’s Guide to Getting Lost: Hard Hikes for Wild Women, and blogger at Minerva’s Moxie
- Pack up a lunch, some snacks, maybe even a bottle of wine, a blanket, and some utensils. Grab your snow shoes and your lover and go for a hike into the backwoods. Find a rock or a clearing and have a snowy picnic in the sun. It may be short and a little chilly, but you can bring some hand and foot warmers and snuggle close to your honey. –Mychele Lepinsky, Stonewear Designs Ambassador
- Cook up a tasty picnic lunch (if it’s chilly, bring some soup or hot chocolate in a thermos) and take a short hike together to a pretty spot for a mini, romantic nature getaway. Don’t forget your camera, a blanket, and some hats and gloves to keep you warm! –Tami Mittan, Stonewear Designs Ambassador, blogger at Colorado Mountain Mom
- Climb a picturesque, easy multi-pitch route (for example, The Mace in Sedona, Ancient Art in Moab, Cat in the Hat in Red Rocks, Monkey Face at Smith Rock, or High Exposure in The Gunks). It’s important that it has a nice summit to sit and have the yummy picnic you carried up in your pack, along with some nice red wine. -Aimee Roseborrough, Stonewear Ambassador and blogger at Mama Climbs
- Spend the day in the backcountry—snowshoe or nordic ski to a yurt, make dinner on the stove, and have him carry the bottle(s) of wine and chocolate bars. –Brandi Bolli Humphrey, Stonewear Designs Grassroot Team Member
- Try Ice fishing. There is something relaxing about sitting on a frozen lake, bundled up, and enjoying the peaceful surroundings. –Brandi Bolli Humphrey
- Go rock climbing at your local indoor rock climbing facility – if you haven’t climbed before, this is a great way to get introduced to an awesome and fun sport! -Mychele Lepinsky
- Take a road trip to sight see, or engage in something totally out of the ordinary-there is plenty of places to visit. –Brandi Bolli Humphrey
What are you planning this Valentine’s Day?
The post 10 Romantic Valentine’s Day Adventure Dates appeared first on Live Stonewear.